International Co., having own
D&D and R&D Laboratory, is
delivering turn-key solutions in
the wide areas of communications
and information technology
technology is covered by various
applications and is currently
being applied to address
opportunities in multiple
industries including defense,
electronics, computing,
non-defense telecom industries
and energy sector.
Our customers
rely on our program management
abilities, system design and
integration, software
development, choice and delivery
of the appropriate equipment,
installation, training and
logistics support.
We have
established strong partnerships
and sub-contractor agreements
with leading companies from the
defense and IT area. Our
partners count on our ability to
work with them on all levels,
system configuration, system
procurement and installation. By
working closely with partners,
we are able to combine our
expertise and technology with
our partner's core competencies
to address multiple industry
are distributing equipment,
machines, components,
accessories and spares etc in
the field of IT, Telecom,
Electronics, T&M, Electronic
Components, PCB Fabrication
Equipment & Supplies, Industrial
Automation & Engg., Military &
Aviation Eqpt. & spares,
Tactical Radio Eqpt., Spares &
accessories, Solar Systems &
Material, Optical and other High
Technology Products, Security &
Surveillance, Medical,
Scientific & Laboratory
Instruments etc.